Our services

  • Freight


    Freight Transport

    Services available in the portal

    • Booking shipment and Track & Trace
    • Customers of Freight Transport can enter and manage their requests for goods transport in national territory; can also check the status of shipments (Track & Trace)

    • Travel management truck
    • The providers of Freight Transport service will display the list of travel in their care and supplement them with operational data transport

    Mercitalia Shunting and Terminal
    Mercitalia Logistics
  • Multimodal



    Multimodal Transport

    Services available in the portal

    • Booking shipment and Track & Trace
    • Customers of Multimodal Trasport can create and manage their requests for UTI transportation on the national territory; can also check the status of shipments (Track & Trace)

    • Travel management truck
    • The providers of Multimodal Trasport service will display the list of travel entrusted to them and complete them with operational data transport

    Cemat logo
  • Process


    Process Integration

    Services available in the portal

    • Machine To Machine interface
    • Documents Repository

    All partners interested in an integration of business processes will find in this section the instructions to build and operate the Machine To Machine interfaces with the integration component LMF (Logistics Management Framework) of the Italian FS Rail Holding. It’s also a repository for downloading documentation, manuals, apps, schemes xsd / XML, etc.

  • Handlings


    Services available in the portal

    • Manage Bookings
    • Customers of the terminal will be able to enter and manage their reservations pickup or delivery UTI at the terminal

    • Track & Trace Slot
    • Customers of the terminal and truck drivers authorized can view the time slots preferential harvesting operations / delivery UTI in terminal by entering the barcode

    Mercitalia Shunting and Terminal