
Terms and Conditions

In this page you can find the above specifications the Conditions of use of the information and data published on the Portal Logistics Group of the Italian State Railways.

Read carefully the text above.

For information, the knowledge and data acquired or processed by employees during their work or through their duties belong to Mercitalia and can not be used, communicate or disclose specifications without written permission.
Notwithstanding the ban Disseminate information concerning the organization and Ai Methods Production Enterprise, or to use them in a way that may be able to damage or Injury to the company, every Employee of Mercitalia will have:

  • Acquire and process data from only the necessary and appropriate for the Purposes of the USA Unit Membership and live with the result Connection Functions.
  • Acquire and process the data within soloist procedure specifications.
  • Store the data so as to prevent unauthorized third parties will take knowledge
  • Communicate the data pursuant to specific procedures and / or at the request and authorization of the Superior Positions. In every case, the Communication devel after be sure to have, for the discoverability of data in this context which you.
  • Ensure That there are no absolute constraints or information concerning the disclosure of information relating to third parties, related to the Italian State Railways Group by a relationship of nature Any. In case there Siano constraints, get Their Consent.
  • Associate the data in a way ensuring that any party authorized to have you acces Can easily obtain a comprehensive and truthful.

Conditions of use of the information and data published on the Mercitalia Portal Logistics are regulated from the substantive and procedural law Italian.
Mercitalia and All Those Who acces to the Intranet of the Group undertake to observe the rules of professional conduct established by the Code of Conduct Group.
This Rules descendants of Values ​​What Transparency, Accountability and privacy, and must Orientation - beyond the laws of Observance - ALL activities Mercitalia.